RVmagnetics introduces unique Identification Tags (ID tags): A combination of
multiple MicroWire sensors of arbitrary
quantity, lengths, order, and metallic composition, and diameters, which creates a Matrix of
independent unique codes, thus, the hardware is fundamentally impossible to copy
or hack. In other words, the ID tags are completely unique subjects,
- Inducing different frequencies in the vicinity of the tag results in
a different response (code) from the tag, that can be read with a
reading/inspection device.
- The ID tags distinguish between original and false products. They can be
embedded into almost any material – textile, paper, plastic, etc. they can be
directly incorporated into goods, their labels, or in the coatings during the
manufacturing process.
- Do not cause any material defects and do not require any electrical power supply nor add any weight.
- The tags are fairly inexpensive. Unknown to the counterfeit market. In terms
of software, the storage of the codes involves a blockchain technology that is
responsible for software security.