Electric current, can be described as any movement of electric charge carriers, such as charged particles (e.g., electrons having negative charge, protons having positive charge), ions (atoms that have lost or gained one or more electrons), or holes (electron deficiencies that may be thought of as positive particles). The electric current in a wire, where the charge carriers are electrons, is a measure of the quantity of charge passing any point of the wire per unit of time.

RVmagnetics sensing system is able to provide measurements on electric currents in various applications like Electric Motors , Rechargeable batteries.

Contact Information

RVmagnetics, a.s. Registration and billing information:
RVmagnetics, a.s.
Business Register of the City Court Košice, sec.: Sa, insert no.: 1662/V
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VAT number:
R&D Lab / HQ office RVmagnetics, a.s.
Němcovej 30, 040 01 Košice
Slovak Republic
European Union
Registered Seat RVmagnetics, a.s.
Němcovej 30, 040 01 Košice
Slovak Republic
European Union